
Peacock dots kolam


Peacock dots kolam

“Be like a peacock and dance with all of your beauty.” ― Debasish Mridha.

“I shall always remember how the peacocks’ tails shimmered when the moon rose amongst the tall trees, and on the shady bank the emerging mermaids gleamed fresh and silvery amongst the rocks…”  ― Hermann Hesse.

Peacock is the most beautiful bird with all those attractive feathers. It was used as a hand fan for kings. It has a richness and elegance to it. It is believed that peacock feathers are used to keep lizards away from the house. Peacock is the national bird of our country.

The center of the design is concentric stars. On the either side of the star are peacocks. They are reflected on the bottom half. The feathers of top two peacock and bottom two peacock are merged. It is drawn with the help of dots. It is elongated vertically.

It comes under the category of bird kolam, dots kolam, peacock kolam, star kolam, pulli kolam and other kolam. My grandmother and mother used to draw kolam on the floor and notebooks to record it. Whenever they saw a kolam or rangoli design on a magazine they used to get so interested. Their curiosity created innovative new designs.