
Flower Kolam Rangoli

flower kolam

 Rangoli kolam 

Flower arrangement is an art which is very famous worldwide. Flowers bring us close to the nature. It gives us color and helps us relax. It gives us a calm feeling. In many states in India flowers are used as coloring agent rangoli kolam. This is the kolam done with floral motifs. 

There are three petal and four petal flowers in this rangoli kolam. The center is a star in sky blue. Lamp (deepam) in between scalloping edges of the rangoli kolam. The curved lines gives the design the rhythm it needs. The colors will go well with earthly tones. The color combination is also well balanced.

Like other folk arts of India which is getting famous in other countries, this should also become known to all. It’s the best way to create puzzles and solving it. The process gave flexibility  and good posture to backbone. It was traditionally drawn with rice which fed insects. See how thoughtful our ancestors were. Kolam or Rangoli has so deep meanings to it. And it beautifully decorated our houses. It was drawn even inside the house in mud houses. White colour on the earthly tones is very attractive.