
Flower rangoli Kolam

Flower rangoli Kolam

Flower rangoli Kolam

"A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet"- Anna Held.

"The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life"- Jean Giraudoux.

Floral design goes naturally with exteriors. Flowers are most colorful and beautiful part of plants. Many plants are grown just for their flowers. These flowers are used to ecorate rangoli or kolam in many areas of our country. Flowers are also used as accessories by woman and a sign of respect in temples.

This kolam or rangoli as you can see uses floral motifs. It is drawn using dots as the guidance. These dots are first placed and then the pattern is drawn over it. This like solving a puzzle and is meant to help problem solving in ladies. That is another reason the kolam or rangoli should be given importance.

Like other folk arts of India which is getting famous in other countries, this should also become known to all. It’s the best way to create puzzles and solving it. The process gave flexibility  and good posture to backbone. It was traditionally drawn with rice which fed insects. See how thoughtful our ancestors were. Kolam or Rangoli has so deep meanings to it. And it beautifully decorated our houses. It was drawn even inside the house in mud houses. White color on d earthly tones is very attractive.