
Flower rangoli kolam

Flower kolam

Flower rangoli kolam 

"Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower"- John Harridan.

"Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love" -Stevie Wonder.

Flowers are adorable and attractive in nature. They calm our mind and relaxing to us. Leaves are food processing unit of plants. Some leaves are of variety of colors, come in different textures and shapes. When arranged with flowers they enhance the beauty of flowers. Stars wade away darkness and bring in light showing us path.

Star takes the center of this design. Flowers surround the center. Arranging leaf in between the flowers. Star is made of band of lines. The flower is also composed with geometrical shapes. Leaf is made with curved lines or what we call murukku design.

The design is well balanced symmetrically and colors are in harmony. There is symmetry in the design.It can be drawn with the guidance of dots or directly as a rangoli. It comes under the category of star kolam, flower kolam and other kolam.